
Buy or not

Filled of needed is really important, and the matter of requirement for life we has known that was a priority and must to filled. But how if this need only want to satisfaction or maybe still was in the category that not must to be fill of us. Though this statement many times be controversial, and even we feel confuse to take decision buy or not. Possibly this matter often we found and experienced, feel confuse to determine a decision to buy something goods.

But we try to review again about this matter, confuse or even can’t take decision and finally you brought with emotional condition in yourself. One example, you have hobby take photo, so you need a camera to support your hobby. According to me, that was still easy to take decision. But how if you were in different and also difficult condition, you wanted to buy a camera and you must brought him as media to support your work, but your finance condition just enough to yourself. Condition like that really difficult and I know maybe you made speculate to fill him. And when you were take this decision, so you will think all matters or the risk that maybe must to face it. Suddenly you sick and need several funds to pay cost medicine, or maybe you need several funds that not suppose, so you must to pay all of that.

This is really interesting, and sure according to me around of us maybe still to brave to carry out of speculation with mutual responsibility from several risks that unknown will happen or not. Have wise attitude and thought of all was solution to consider before take decision. Because however between need and wish could contaminated caused the desire, emotions, or even because only the prestige. So, whatever decision still on your hands. Buy or not?


Jhona said...

hello!!! what's up there? have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

wah payah nih, blog keren tapi ga ada shoutboxnya.

mampir di blog ane yah.


Anonymous said...

@Jhona: Nothing, were confuse about something goods.

@Rian: Males pake shoutmix bro..., sering eror, udah gitu banyak yang nyepam :-D