
Take and kept

When you were in condition of saturation, then you can’t feel fresh to facing and undergoing the activity. If you let this condition, that will decrease your motivation to doing your work and also your all activity. Everyone have difference method to reduce their boredom in their routine, and usually at that time they will do all matters that like it. When we feel extraordinary boredom, or many times call him with bad mood, this condition will change all of that available in our self. If explained with simply, this situation will made you can’t to get comfortable in passed your day. Afterwards, more over this feeling will covered all creativity and spirit in your self.

Now, forget it. Yesterday I write about buy or not. In fact that was a situation that happened by me. Make a choice around several consider with the matter that priority to me. But finally, because I have hobby take picture, especially that unique, beautiful, and even I can’t passing to take picture if I look special picture. In this case, evidently collect photos was activity that absorbed to doing, and even according to me this activity could give new energy when we looked around photo collection that own us. Although I’m not a professional in take picture :-D but this take picture give special satisfaction to me.

If you liked too, take picture in fact not easy. I know I’m not a best photograph. But if we could to take and have good result in take one picture that will make you become liked this activity. And even this new hobby will make us like paparazzi. But in other side, all photo collection that owned could give special lesson, special meaning, and also special experience.

If you have really bad mood, tried to see your photo collection that has you took. When you look one by one, your thoughts will be directed to when you take this photo. All of your photo collection, when you look him indirectly manner will make your condition be better and relax, and even you will be smile if one of photos had a special moment in your life.

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