
Anticipate stress in the trip

Doing a trip was fascinating, moreover if you doing with family or your special friend. But evidently the trip could cause stress. Because of that as solution to anticipate stress in your trip, have several tips that could anticipate stress when you doing trip.

If use car, before and after drive, doing easy massage in your body. You can useful your thumb to massage your body, like in shoulder or your neck part, even you can doing this matter in back part according with your hand to look for. Try to pressed with thumb in your muscle that have tension, try with slowly, passed the movement turn along in your muscle that have tension. If you can’t, you can do this matter with helped your friend to massage your body part. Just few minutes, try to five or ten minutes. Turn with slow in front and back, and also you can try to turn to left and right with turns. With doing this methods your blood will flow like normally.

But if use air transportation, forget it the drink that contain of caffeine because will make you have tension. As this change, you can try warm drink. Like tea, orange warm, or if you want to drink coffee, you can drink coffee without caffeine. You can provide to carrying your favorite food. When you waiting departure, you can read a book, magazine or new paper, listen music or walking in our waiting room to expel your boredom. That important, don’t remember to keep your some goods.

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