
Benefit of ginger

On the reverse side was hot, ginger contain substances that useful for human body. Because of that has long time many people has know ginger drink or ginger candy, and even many people like it. Obvious with hot, based research ginger have several benefits for body. With contain several bio-active components that useful for body, and one of components or substances that important is gingerol that prevented blood clotting. This matter that cause of main stroke as well as heart attack, and moreover this contain has estimated could reduce level of cholesterol.

Ginger contained important of two digestion enzymes that is protease which have function broke protein, and second lipase that have function to breaking fat. From two enzymes can help body to dissolve and also absorb of food. Stimulate to release hormone adrenaline, widened blood vessels so as blood flowed more fast and smooth, moreover make body become warm, heart work to pump of blood be easy that have result pressure of blood be descended.

More benefits from ginger is blocked serotonim, this compound caused stomach to contract so emerged feeling of nausea. This matter many times happen when someone doing a trip and drunk of trip. Because of that to prevent be better use ginger before going a trip. You could wet boiling with hot water and give few of honey. And also, ginger have more benefits to reduce the stomach cramp when menstruation. And last, ginger can also helped the body to fight influenza as well as ginger contain components that helped to neutralized damaging effect that cause free radical in the body.

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