

David, his mother die since 5 year old. David have power to jumper in anywhere place that available in his mind. Hayden Christensen as David in this film know about his jump power when 15 years old, where he give the gift (like a toy) for some women that he liked, the woman have name is Millie. But at that moment one of his friends take his toy from Millie and exiled to the glacier that snow. Than, David tried to take his toy and finally this ice broken, so he sank on the river. Early first time he know he could dissapeared. When David known his power, he want to gone from home. So at this moment he need money and finally he try to rob a bank.

But this rob that done by David, he must face it various problem. Especially he must face it Paladin, One name that have assigned to kill ‘Jumper’. So finally he met someone that have same power with him.

This film good to watched. Blend of life and love story in Jumper film have uniqueness meaning by film lovers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, i like this film. coz have uniqueness and make be feel how i could like him.. :-D