
Animals that potentially flu disease

Flu disease not only attact of humans, we can see the phenomenon that happened now. Like bird flu that make around the world be careful with this disease. So, based information that I read from magazine, several pets that available in your home have vulnerable of flu. If you have pet, will be better if you check the healthy from your pet so you’ll be save from flu disease. If you pet have flu disease, don’t forget to carrying to the vet to check and vaccinated. And if you want to know several pets that often attacked flu disease,

Poultry animal species
. Well, we can see realty that happened at now. H5N1 virus is really danger for humans, because many people died that cause from this virus. If you have pets that including poultry animals category (like bird or chicken), don’t forget to keep clean your house of pet, or if you want to more better you can give vaccinated your pets.

. This animal was a pet that can exposed and spread humans. When horse has attack flu disease, the symptoms same like human, like cough, sneezing and watery nose.

. Cat can also affected bird flu disease. This matter because cat often interaction with human. To anticipate how to keep your cat not spread bird flu disease is keep your cat free and not eat poultry animals.

. Pig really easy to transmit virus to human. Like now, we has attack with virus that cause from pig.

. This animal can flu disease that attacked breathing system. According the experts, bird flu disease in the dog caused by H3N8 virus. This virus estimated transmitted from horses to dogs and spread other dogs.

Kept the pets in the home is interesting. But if we seeing several phenomenon now, will be better if you keep all effect that will make you attacked disease, like above. Keep clean and pet healthy is conclusion from above. Clean, save, and you’ll feel comfort with your pets.

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