
Mysterious Loch Ness Monster appear again

Monster that often called with Nessie reportedly living under Loch Ness waves now this shy monster manifest themselve in the deepest lake in Scotland. Jon Lowe from Lewiston, UK, perpetuate this horrible image before the mysterious monster back into the water. Fisherman are amazed it was sure this creature is Nessie.

Lowe explain, This morning is very strange and misty with little rain and the sun at one time. My instant reaction say that is Nessie. And he added, moreover he feel no doubt this creature is Nessie because he claim every day he work on the lake and never seen about anything like that. Previously, this man never believing the existence about this creature until finally he take the picture

Based from DailyMail, The legend of Loch Ness monster begin in 1933 when the first existence shocking the world based from George Spicer and his wife reveal about this. Until now, a lot of speculation surrounding the myth creature that reportedly is the Plesiosaurs that survive even though this assumption never to prove. So as a result, the Loch Ness monster still become just a modern myth.

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